For the past few years, muslims always been a target in political years.
Candidates and parties tried to raise issues and make promises in the name of muslim, knowing very well that muslims have the majority voice in our country. However, we have come to a realization: out of all these promises, muslims have never been asked for what kind of leaders they actually needed.
Therefore, having a platform to gather their aspirations became necessary. This is why was born. Through this platform, Umat Untuk Semesta (UUS) made a live survey for muslim youth in Indonesia to urge political candidates to prioritize climate issues in their political agenda.
In order to engage with more audience, in December 2023 Pilah Pilih campaign conducted a roadshow to four different cities: Malang, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Purwokerto. UUS collaborated with local communities and universities to organize talk shows and board game workshops. Each cities raised different issues, such as:
- Malang: Caring the Environment Through the Perspective of Nadhlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah
- Yogyakarta: Becoming Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin Through Preserving Nature and Environment
- Semarang: Religion’s Role in the Action of Rescuing Coastal Areas in Demak – Semarang
- Purwokerto: Voicing Climate Crisis Through Islam Perspective with Swing Voters