Jakarta, January 8, 2025 – MOSAIC (Muslim for Shared Action on Climate Impact) has launched another program, Sedekah Energi, as a form of commitment to support a struggle towards clean energy transition in Indonesia. The program aims to bring solar panels to mosques across Indonesia to reduce carbon emissions and support mosque operations in a sustainable manner.
After previously successfully implementing this program in Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region, and Sembalun, West Nusa Tenggara, this year the Sedekah Energi program will target several mosques in West Sumatra and West Java. The launch was marked by a talk show themed “Mosque as a Pioneer of Climate Solutions,” which has presented speakers from the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI), Takmir Masjid Al Muharram, Yogyakarta, and the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. Of course, this program is not just a program that provides electricity assistance, but this program is a step to make the mosque the frontline for climate solutions.
In the launch themed “Mosques as Pioneers of Climate Solutions,” MOSAIC’s Board of Trustees, Abdul Gaffar Karim, expressed his anxiety about the role of Muslims in facing the climate crisis. “This ummah must realize that Sedekah Energi is present as a form of struggle in charity that can bring worldly benefits and sustainable rewards. By presenting renewable energy in mosques throughout Indonesia, people can reduce dependence on destructive fossil fuel, as well as revive the spirit of mutual cooperation collectively,” he said.
It is clear that Islam has a holistic view of the relationship between humans and the environment, which includes several aspects such as theological, ethical, and practical. Fazlun Khalid, a leading figure in Islamic ecology, argues that the concept of Tawhid (the Oneness of Allah SWT) is a strong foundation for the relationship between humans and nature. Tawhid teaches that the whole of creation is part of a unity that is interconnected with each other; the universe works in one ecosystem so that exploiting nature is the same as violating harmony.
For this reason, this program continues to be present with mosques as a force to invite people to contribute to the universe. “To date, two mosques namely Sembalun, Lombok and Bantul that have used solar panels have succeeded in reducing carbon emissions by 6.8 tons, equivalent to the benefits of 680 trees,” said Elok F. Mutia, Project Leader of Energy Alms.
In addition to saving up to Rp 39 million in electricity costs, the program’s initiatives have made a significant immediate difference to thousands of worshippers. Mosaic has also launched a website, www.sedekahenergi.mosaic-indonesia.com, as a hub for individuals and mosque managers who wish to participate. To date, the program has been supported by more than 5,000 donors through kitabisa.com and has brought 100% renewable energy to two mosques in Sembalun, Lombok, and Bantul, Yogyakarta. With a capacity of 9,600 WP solar panels.
Full support continues to come from various parties. Saidah Sakwan, M.A., Head of BAZNAS for Distribution and Utilization, appreciated this collaboration. “This initiative is in line with our sustainability vision. BAZNAS is ready to become a consolidator of clean energy programs for mosques in Indonesia,” she said.
Enter Nusantara continues to be committed and invites everyone to continue to collaborate and help realize environmentally friendly mosques and become a driving force for a better environmental ecosystem.
Now is the time to take action. Through www.sedekahenergi.mosaic-indonesia.com, you can contribute directly to support a just energy transition. Your donation is not only an investment for the future of the environment but also a charity whose benefits continue to flow.
Let’s make the mosque a symbol of climate change and solutions. With Sedekah Energi, we build a brighter future for the people and the environment.